Claudia Kübler

time 11:16 am
2020, Performative sculpture. LED sneakers (sizes 39 and 43), text, cable, charger
Für die performative Skulptur ‚Travel Agent‘ hat Claudia Kübler zwei Paar LED-Sneakers in retro-futuristischem Design mit den Worten ‚Back‘ ‚Forth‘ ‚Forth‘ ‚Back‘ bezeichnet. Die Besucher/innen werden zu folgender
Handlung eingeladen:
„If you wish, take a pair of shoes for a walk. Leave your own shoes there. After your walk, put the borrowed shoes back.“
Die Skulptur befindet sich im konstanten Wandel durch die unterschiedlichen, liegengelassenen Schuhe der Besucher/innen sowie durch die Bewegung der LED-Sneakers im Raum.
For the performative sculpture ‚Travel Agent‘ Claudia Kübler has labeled two pairs of LED sneakers in retro-futuristic design with the words ‚Back‘ ‚Forth‘ ‚Forth‘ ‚Back‘. Visitors are invited to take the following action:
„If you wish, take a pair of shoes for a walk. Leave your own shoes there. After your walk, put the borrowed shoes back.“
The sculpture is in constant change due to the different shoes left by the visitors and the movement of the LED sneakers in the space.